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Who am I ?

My name is Alexis. A child trapped in an adult’s body, with a passion for legos. I like to build and deconstruct clothes like I do my red lego bricks.    I'm passionate about materials, handmade products and craftsmanship, exploring new sewing techniques and skills in order to bring my unusual ideas to life. I wander the streets of Paris and draw my inspiration from my surroundings, be it from the architecture and people around me or even the underground metro - basically anything can bring out creative being in me, that is constantly in search of diversity, novelty and change.

Brand values

The aim of Polymor is to only work with natural materials and local suppliers, avoid petrochemical-based materials (elastane, polyester, spandex etc...) that are ever present in our everyday clothes and make them obsolete and therefore quickly disposable.
The big advantage lies in the greater durability of the garment, making it a material that is pleasant to work with and to wear (does not irritate the skin, and has no consequences on our health or the planet).

The Brand

The term "polymorphic" comes from the Greek "poly" meaning "many'' and "morphê" meaning "form". Polymor was born out of a desire to use different themes to transcribe experiments in texture, materials and form.

What is upcycling ?

Upcycling is the process of transforming existing materials or products into something new, often of higher quality or greater value.
Unlike traditional recycling - which can involve the destruction or degradation of the original materials, upcycling aims to reuse these materials in a creative and innovative way, without degrading them.
This can be done by rethinking the function, form or aesthetic value of the garments, while minimising waste and reducing the consumption of natural resources.
Recovered, cared for and embellished to give them a new chance in life, these trousers become unique fashion pieces that will withstand the tests of time.